Human Design Mandala - 64 Hexagrams - Rave I'Ching - The Science of Differentiation

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The Emerging Leaders

The Emerging Leaders

3 week deep focus on the Projector, their aura and purpose in this world. Up until now, the energy Types have run the world and Projectors have never been recognised for their natural potential as guides to the energy types.​ 

It is now the time for the Projector to move into positions of great power as creative leaders.​ Projectors are here to emerge as the administrators of the new order.

Week 1: Know Thyself

1. Why are we here?
- Emerging of Projector intelligence and the transition.

2. Projectors Playground
- Conditioning field and the Undefined/Open centres 

3. Types of Projectors
- Explore the sub-types of Projectors 

4. Projector Aura 
- Discover Projector uniqueness and aura exercises

Week 2: Know Your Power

5. Invitation and Recognition.
- Understanding the Strategy.

6. Types of Invitation.
- How and when the invitation works for Projector.

7. Shifting The Way You Make Decision.
- Explore Projectors Inner Authority 

8. Enhancement and Reflection Session.
- Projector signature
- In-body experience

Week 3: Know Your Voice

9. Effective Communication as a Leader/Guide
- Know your voice and personal interaction.

10. Projector and Relationship
- Explore where and how you connect with others.

11. Success Factor For Projectors
- What contributes to Projector success?

12. Healthy Lifestyle as Projector.
- What you can do to change your frequency?

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